Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can be painful and debilitating. But with proper treatment, you can cure GERD permanently.
Medications, surgery, and lifestyle changes are all effective ways to treat GERD. But what if you want to do all of these things at once?
If your GERD symptoms are not responding to diet and lifestyle changes, medications may be recommended. They reduce the acidity of the stomach juices that induce reflux and reduce symptom flare-ups.
Medications used for GERD include antacids, H2 receptor blockers (H2RAs), and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). These drugs are available over the counter as well as by prescription.
Proton pump inhibitors work by blocking the mechanism that creates stomach acids and thus decreases reflux manifestations. They are often prescribed along with antacids and histamine receptor antagonists to treat more severe or persistent heartburn.
These drugs are usually only recommended for patients with a history of heartburn and other signs of GERD. Long-term use of these drugs can lead to dependence and reduced effectiveness of therapy.
If you have GERD and other complications like esophageal stricture or esophageal ulcer, your doctor may recommend surgery to help treat these problems. The most common GERD surgery is called fundoplication, which involves wrapping part of the stomach around the lower end of the esophagus to create a valve that prevents acid from flowing back into your throat.
In a traditional operation, your surgeon makes an incision in the belly and wraps a piece of your stomach around your lower esophageal sphincter (LES). However, you can also have laparoscopic fundoplication – a minimally invasive procedure where your doctor makes small incisions in your abdomen and inserts tubes with a tiny camera to help them see inside your body.
Your doctor will tell you how you should take care of yourself during and after the surgery. They will also talk with you about the risks of having GERD surgery.
While GERD cannot be cured with medicine alone, it may be possible to cure it permanently through diet and lifestyle changes. By avoiding trigger foods, lying down after eating, losing weight, and exercising, patients can improve symptoms while improving their overall digestive health.
GERD is a problem with the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which protects the throat from stomach acid. When this sphincter relaxes and allows acid to back up into the esophagus, it can cause heartburn and other symptoms.
One dietary tip that can help alleviate reflux is to eat smaller meals. Large meals fill the stomach and put more pressure on the LES, which can increase reflux.
A plant-based diet can also be beneficial to those with GERD. These foods contain fiber that helps to slow down the digestion of food in the stomach. This decreases the amount of gastric enzymes and stomach acid released into the esophagus, which can reduce GERD symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes
If you’re looking for a permanent cure for GERD, you should consider making some changes in your lifestyle. Studies show that these changes can reduce symptoms and improve your overall health.
The first step in curing GERD is to identify and eliminate the foods that trigger it. Avoiding fatty or fried foods, chocolate, coffee, peppermint, and citrus fruits can help to relieve your symptoms.
Another important change to make is to eat smaller meals more often. This can relieve pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter, which helps prevent acid reflux.
Other important lifestyle changes include quitting smoking, reaching or maintaining a moderate weight, and not eating late at night. These simple changes can significantly improve GERD symptoms and lower the risk of heart disease.