The Importance of AV Node in Cardiovascular Function
Introduction The enigmatic atrioventricular (AV) node, a mysterious and integral component of the heart’s intricate electrical conduction system, holds the key to orchestrating the mesmerizing dance of heart contractions. Nestled between the atria and ventricles, this enigmatic gateway guides and channels the bewildering array of electrical signals that dictate the very rhythm of our hearts. A diminutive cluster of specialized cells nestled in the depths of the right atrium near its septum, lies this elusive AV node. Like an eager receiver awaiting its cue from a maestro, it eagerly awaits electrical impulses emanating from none other than the illustrious sinoatrial (SA) node hailed as nature’s pacemaker. The AV node stands poised at attention as these vibrant signals course through its delicate fibers. Yet within this intricate symphony lies an inexplicable pause; a momentary suspension where time itself seems to hold its breath. A brief intermission before these pulsating messages